
Congratulations to Andrew, Yiming, Kaka, Ron, and Esther on the publication of their manuscript, Machine learning guided discovery of electrochemical reactions in JACS, and for the work getting highlighted in the Pipeline

Congratulations to Christian, Max,  Edward, Matt, Brent, and our Bayer colleagues on publishing their work, Open-source chromatographic data analysis for reaction optimization and screening, in ACS Cent. Sci. 2023

Materials Day talks examine the promises and challenges of AI and machine learning: The ability to predict and make new materials faster highlights the need for safety, reliability, and accurate data. November 5, 2019

Notation system allows scientists to communicate polymers more easily: BigSMILES language allows computers and researchers to convey stochastic configurations more clearly. September 18, 2019

Guided by AI, robotic platform automates molecule manufacture: New system could free bench chemists from time-consuming tasks, may help inspire new molecules. August 8, 2019

Squeezing cells to cure diseases: Startup SQZ Biotech aims to open a new path in immunotherapy with its cell-compressing technique. October 31, 2018

Plug-and-play technology automates chemical synthesis: System makes it easier to produce new molecules for myriad applications. September 20, 2018

Connor Coley named a Chemical and Engineering News Talented Twelve: Chemical engineering graduate student was named a “machine-learning maestro” by the magazine. September 14, 2018

Klavs Jensen Selected as AIChE’s Prausnitz Institute Lecturer for 2018 August 21, 2018

Connor Coley named 2018 DARPA Riser: Chemical engineering graduate student is invited to participate in the agency’s 60th anniversary symposium in September. July 16, 2018

Applying machine learning to challenges in the pharmaceutical industry: MIT researchers and industry form new consortium to aid the drug discovery process. May 17, 2018

Corning Recognizes Outstanding Work in Continuous Flow Reactors: MIT Professor Klavs Jensen and his research group receive inaugural award May 1, 2018

Drug manufacturing that’s out of this world: Continuous-flow chemistry device used for drug production could find use in long-duration space missions. January 5, 2018

Computer system predicts products of chemical reactions: Machine learning approach could aid the design of industrial processes for drug manufacturing. June 27, 2017

National Academy of Sciences elects six MIT professors for 2017: Bell, Bhatia, Cummins, Duflo, Jensen, and Mavalvala honored for research achievements. May 3, 2018

New technology offers fast peptide synthesis: Automated manufacturing could make it easier to develop and test new peptide drugs. February 27, 2017

Pharmacy on demand: New, portable system can be configured to produce different drugs. March 31, 2016

Cell squeezing enhances protein imaging: Compressing cells allows delivery of new fluorescent tags to track proteins in living cells. February 1, 2016