M. Hierlemann, H. Simka, K.F. Jensen and M. Utz, “Kinetic modeling of the gas phase decomposition of germane by computational chemistry techniques,” J.dePhysique IV 5. C5 71-77 (1995).
C.A. Wang, M.C. Finn, S. Salim, K.F. Jensen and A.C. Jones, “Tritertiarybutylaluminum as an organometallic source for epitaxial growth of AlGaSb,” Appl. Phys. Lett. 67 1384-1386 (1995).
M. Danek, K.F. Jensen, C.B. Murray and M.G. Bawendi, “Synthesis of luminescent thin-film CdSe/SnSe quantum dot composites using CdSe quantum dots passivated with an overlayer of ZnSe”, Chemistry of Materials 8 (1), 173-180 (1996).
J. Hebb and K. F. Jensen, “Length Scales and pattern effects in RTP heat transfer,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Rapid Thermal Processes (RTP’95), B. Lojek (Ed.), Amsterdam (1995). pp. 198-204.
J. V. Cole, K. L. Knutson, T. G. Mihopoulos, and K. F. Jensen, “Comprehensive 3D physically based simulations of RTP at atmospheric pressure: comparison with experimental observations,” in Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Rapid Thermal Processes (RTP’95), B. Lojek (Ed.), Amsterdam (1995). pp. 205-210.
J.V. Cole, K.L. Knutson, A.T. Fiory and K.F. Jensen, “Monte Carlo simulation of optical temperature sensors in RTP systems,” in “Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing IV,” Eds. J.C. Gelpey, S.R.J. Brueck, A. Kermani, J.L. Regolini, J.C. Strum, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 387, 143-149 (1995).
J.P. Hebb, K. F. Jensen, and E. Egan, “The potential effect of multilayer patterns on temperature uniformity during rapid thermal processing,” in “Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing IV,” Eds. J.C. Gelpey, S.R.J. Brueck, A. Kermani, J.L. Regolini, J.C. Strum, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 387, 21-26 (1995).
B.H. Cumpston, J.P. Lu, B.G. Willis and K.F. Jensen, “Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of polymer-metal interface reactions,” in “Polymer/Inorganic Interfaces II,” Eds. L. Drzal, R.L. Opila, N.A. Peppas, C. Schutte, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 385, 103-111 (1995).
B.H. Cumpston and K.F. Jensen, “Photooxidation of polymers used in electroluminescent Devices,” Synthetic Metals 73 (3), 195-199 (1995).
S. Shankar and K.F. Jensen, “Analysis of spherical harmonic expansion approximations for glow discharges,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci. 23 (4), 780-787 (1995).
B.H. Cumpston and K.F. Jensen, “Oxidation of polymers used in electroluminescent devices,” Proc. Society of Plastic Engineers, ANTEC95 53 1316-1319 (1995).
M. Xi and K.F. Jensen, “Chemisorption and decomposition of tris(dimethylamino)phosphine on GaAs(100),” Surface Science 339 (3), 310-322 (1995).
M. Danek, J.S. Huh and K.F. Jensen, “Gas-phase pyrolysis of tert-butyl(allyl)selenium, a new precursor for organometallic chemical vapor deposition (OMCVD) of ZnSe,” Chemistry of Materials, 7 (4), 731-737 (1995).
S. Salim, C.K. Lim and K.F. Jensen, “Gas-phase reactions of tris-dimethylamino-phosphine, arsine, and stibine reagents,” Chemistry of Materials, 7(3), 507-516 (1995).
K.F. Jensen, “Organometallic chemical vapor deposition of compound semiconductors: A chemical perspective,” in Materials Chemistry (L. Interante, Ed.) Advances in Chemistry Series 245, 397-423 (1995).
G. Aral, T.P. Merchant, J.V. Cole, K.L. Knutson and K.F. Jensen, “Concurrent engineering of an RTP reactor: Design and control,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Rapid Thermal Processes (RTP’94), B. Lojek (Eds), Monterey, CA, pp. 288-295 (1994).
K.L. Knutson, T.P. Merchant, J.V. Cole, J.P. Hebb, T.G. Mihopoulos and K.F. Jensen, “Modeling of radiation heat transfer and wafer temperatures in a complex three-dimensional rapid thermal processing chamber,” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Rapid Thermal Processes (RTP’94), B. Lojek (Eds), Monterey, CA, pp. 146-152 (1994).
M. Danek, K.F. Jensen, C.B. Murray, M.G. Bawendi, “Electrospray organometallic chemical vapor deposition–A novel technique for preparation of II-VI quantum dot composites,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 65 (22), 2795-2797 (1994).
S.-T. Ngiam, K.F. Jensen and K.D. Kolenbrander, “Synthesis of Ge nanocrystals embedded in a Si host matrix,” J. Appl. Phys. Lett., 76 (12), 8201-8203 (1994).
M. Danek, K.F. Jensen, C.B. Murray, M.G. Bawendi, “Preparation of II-VI quantum dot composites by electrospray OMCVD,” J. Crystal Growth 145 (1-4), 714-720 (1994).
M. Danek, J.-S. Huh, L. Foley and K.F. Jensen, “New allyl selenide and trialkylphosphine selenide precursors for MOVPE of ZnSe,” J. Crystal Growth 145(1-4), 530-536 (1994).
S. Salim, K.F. Jensen and R.D. Driver, “Monitoring of gas-phase species in metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy by fiberoptics based Fourier transform spectroscopy,” J. Crystal Growth 145 (1-4), 28-35 (1994).
J.V. Cole, K.L. Knutson and K.F. Jensen, “Monte Carlo simulation of radiative heat transfer in rapid thermal processing (RTP) systems,”in Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing III J.C. Gelpey, J.J. Wortman, M.L. Green, and S.R.J. Brueck (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 342, 425-430 (1994).
J.M. Redwing,T.F. Kuech, H. Simka, and K.F. Jensen, “Study of silicon incorporation from SiH4 in GaAs MOVPE layers with tertiarybutylarsine,” in Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry in Electronic Materials Processing, T. J. Mountziaris, F.T. Smith, P.R. Westmoreland, and G.R.P-Ujalt (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp., 334, 201-206 (1994), J. Crystal Growth 145(1-4), 397-402 (1994).
B.H. Cumpston, P.V. Nagarkar, G. Cornella, D. Volfson, F. Trusell, K.F. Jensen and S.D. Senturia, “Investigations of curing chemistry and hydrolytic stability of polyimide-on-metal interfaces,” in Electronic Packaging Materials Science VII. P. Børgesen, K.F. Jensen, R.A. Pollack (Eds.) Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 323, 351-357 (1994)
S. Salim and K.F. Jensen, “Fiber optics-based Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy for in-situ monitoring of OMCVD,” in Diagnostic Techniques for Semiconductor Processing , O.J. Glembocki, S.W. Pang, F.H. Pollack, and G. Larrabee (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 324, 241-247 (1994).
M. Danek, K.F. Jensen, C.B. Murray and M.G. Bawendi, “Preparation of II-VI quantum dot composites by electrospray OMCVD,” in Growth Processing, and Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures, G. Gumbs, S. Luryi, B. Weiss, and G. W. Wicks (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 326, 275-280 (1994).
S.-T. Ngiam, K.F. Jensen and K.D. Kolenbrander, “Synthesis and processing of crystalline Ge:Si materials,” in Growth Processing and Characterization of Semiconductor Heterostructures, G. Gumbs, S. Luryi, B. Weiss, and G. W. Wicks (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 326, 263-268 (1994).
M. Xi, S. Salim, K.J. Jensen and D.A. Bohling, “Gas phase and surface decomposition of tris-dimethylamino arsenic,” in Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry in Electronic Materials Processing, T. J. Mountziaris, F.T. Smith, P.R. Westmoreland, and G.R.P-Ujalt (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 334, 169-175 (1994).
M. Danek, J.-S. Huh, K.F. Jensen, D.C. Gordon and W.P. Kosar, “New organometallic Se reagents for low temperature OMCVD of ZnSe,” in Gas-Phase and Surface Chemistry in Electronic Materials Processing, T. J. Mountziaris, F.T. Smith, P.R. Westmoreland, and G.R.P-Ujalt (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 334, 231-238 (1994).
B.J. Skromme, W. Liu, K.F. Jensen, and K.P. Giapis, “Effects of C incorporation on the luminescence properties of ZnSe grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition,” J. Crystal Growth 138 (1-4), 338-345 (1994).
S. Salim, C.K. Lim, K.F. Jensen, and R. Driver, “Fiber optics-based in situ monitoring of organometallic chemical vapor deposition of compound semiconductors,” Proc. Int. Soc. Optical Eng. 2069, 132-144 (1994).
K.F. Jensen, “Transport phenomena in vapor phase epitaxy reactors,” in Handbook of Crystal Growth, (Ed. D. Hurle) Vol. III, 541-600, Elsevier (1994).
D.A. Bohling, C.R. Abernathy, and K.F. Jensen, “Chemical surface mechanistic considerations in the design of novel precursors for MOMBE,” J. Crystal Growth 136(1-4), 118-126 (1994).
J. Han and K.F. Jensen, Y. Senzaki and W.L. Gladfelter, “Pyrolytic laser assisted chemical vapor deposition of Al from dimethylethylamine-alane: Characterization and a new two-step writing process,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 64(4), 425-427 (1994).
J.S. Han and K.F. Jensen, “Combined experimental and modelling studies of laser assisted chemical vapor deposition of copper from copper(i)-hexafluoroacetylacetonate trimethylvinylsilane,” J. Appl. Physics 75 (4) 2240-2250 (1994).
D.G. Coronell and K.F. Jensen, “A Monte Carlo simulation study of radiation heat transfer in the multiwafer LPCVD reactor,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 141(2), 496-501 (1994).
D.G. Coronell and K.F. Jensen, “Simulation of rarefied gas transport and profile evolution in nonplanar substrate chemical vapor deposition,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 141 (9), 2545-2551 (1994).
M.F. Ellis, T.W. Taylor, and K.F. Jensen, “Online molecular weight distribution estimation and control in batch polymerization,” AIChE Journal, 40(3), 445-462 (1994).
D.G. Coronell and K.F. Jensen, “Monte Carlo simulations of very low pressure chemical vapor deposition,” J. Computer-Aided Mats. Design, 1, 3-26 (1993).
T.P. Merchant, K.-H. Lie, J.V. Cole, and K.F. Jensen, “Strategies for modelling of rapid thermal processing systems,” Proceedings of the First International Rapid Thermal Processing Conference, R.B. Fair and B. Lojek (Eds.), Scottsdale, AZ (September 1993) 376-385.
K.-H. Lie, T.P. Merchant, and K.F. Jensen, Simulation of rapid thermal processing equipment and process,” Rapid Thermal and Integrated Processing J.C. Gelpey, J.K. Elliott, J.J. Wortman, and A. Ajmera (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 303, 197-209 (1993).
H. Simka, M. Masi, T. Merchant, K.F. Jensen and T.F. Kuech, “Mechanisms of carbon incorporation OMCVD of GaAs and related compounds,” in , Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, K.F. Jensen and G.W. Cullen (Eds.), The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, New Jersey, 93-2, 205-214 (1993).
J. Han and K.F. Jensen, “Laser-assisted chemical vapor deposition of Al and Cu,” in Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, K.F. Jensen and G.W. Cullen(Eds.), The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, New Jersey, 93-2, 231-237 (1993).
D.G. Coronell and K.F. Jensen, “Models of rarefied CVD processes at reduced pressures and reduced dimensions,” in , Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Chemical Vapor Deposition, K.F. Jensen and G.W. Cullen(Eds.), The Electrochemical Society, Pennington, New Jersey, 93-2, 57-63 (1993).
M. Danek, S. Patnaik, K.F. Jensen, D.C. Gordon, D.W. Brown, and R. Kirss, “Tert-butyl (trifluromethyl)tellurium: A novel OMCVD source for ZnTe,” Chem. of Materials 5(9), 1321-1326 (1993).
E.O. Einset, K.F. Jensen, and C.R. Kleijn, “On the origin of return flows in horizontal chemical vapor deposition reactors,” J. Crystal Growth 132(3-4), 483-490 (1993).
J.P. Lu, D. Volfson, F. Trusell, and K.F. Jensen, “Chemistry at polyimide-metal interfaces: In Situ FTIR studies of polymer curing processes and thermal stability,” in Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials III, C.R. Abernathy, C.W. Bates, D.A. Bohling and W.S. Hobson (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 282, 581-586 (1993).
D.G. Coronell and K.F. Jensen, “Monte Carlo simulations of film profile evolution during nonplanar CVD processes,” in Evolution of Surface and Thin Film Microstructure, H.A. Atwater, E. Chason, M. Grabow and M. Lagally (Eds.), Proc. of the Mater. Res. Soc. Proc., 280, 169-172 (1993).
J. Han, Y. Senzaki, W.L. Gladfelter, and K. F. Jensen, “Laser assisted CVD of aluminum from a novel liquid alane precursor,” in Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials III, C.R. Abernathy, C.W. Bates, D.A. Bohling and W.S. Hobson (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc., 282, 173-178 (1993).
J.S. Huh, S. Patnaik, and K.F. Jensen, “Low pressure OMVPE of ZnSe with hydrogen selenide and dimethylzinc-trimethylamine,” J. Electron. Mater. 22(5), 509-514 (1993).
J.P. Lu, P.V. Nagarkar, F. Trusell, K.F. Jensen, and S.D. Senturia, “Interfacial chemistry and adhesion studies for polyimide-metal systems,” Proc. Int. Symp. on the Interphase, Adhesion Society, (1993)
S. Patnaik, K.-L. Ho, K.F. Jensen, D.C. Brown, R. Kirss, D.W. Brown, “Decomposition of allylselenium sources in the metalorganic chemical vapor deposition of ZnSe,” Chem. Mater., 5(3), 305-310 (1993).
M.L. Hitchman and K.F. Jensen, “Chemical vapor deposition at low pressures,” Chapter 4 in Chemical Vapor Deposition—Principles and Application, (M.L. Hitchman and K.F. Jensen, Eds.) Academic Press, (1993) pp. 159-218.
K.F. Jensen, “Fundamentals of chemical vapor deposition,” in Chemical Vapor Deposition—Principles and Application, (M.L. Hitchman and K.F. Jensen, Eds.) Academic Press, (1993) pp. 31-90.
M.L. Hitchman and K.F. Jensen, “ Chemical vapor deposition – An overview,” in Chemical Vapor Deposition—Principles and Application, (M.L. Hitchman and K.F. Jensen, Eds.) Academic Press, (1993) pp. 1-30.
D.G. Coronell and K.F. Jensen,” Modelling of transport and film growth over patterned substrates,” (OE/FIBERS’92, Boston) Soc. Photo-Optical Inst. Eng. Proc. 1788, (1992).
K.F. Jensen, “Organometallic vapor phase epitaxy: Basic transport phenomena and reactor considerations,” Proc. Eight International Summer School on Crystal Growth (1992).
M. Masi, H. Simka, K.F. Jensen, T.F. Kuech and R. Potemski, “Simulation of carbon doping during MOVPE,” J. Crystal Growth 124(1-4), 483-492 (1992)
S. Salim, J.P. Lu, K.F. Jensen, and D.A. Bohling, “Surface reactions of dimethylaminoarsine during MOMBE of GaAs,” J. Crystal Growth 124(1-4), 16-22 (1992)
P. V. Nagarkar, J.P. Lu, D. Volfson, K. F. Jensen, and S. D. Senturia, “Characterization of fluorinated polyimide films,” in “Electronic Packaging Materials ScienceVI,” (P.S. Ho, K.A. Jackson, C.Y. Li, and G.F. Lipscomb, Eds.) Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. 264, 263-268 (1992).
J.P. Lu, P. V. Nagarkar, D. Volfson, K. F. Jensen, and S. D. Senturia, “Characterization of polyimide thin films on metals,” in “Electronic Packaging Materials Science VI,” (P.S. Ho, K.A. Jackson, C.Y. Li, and G.F. Lipscomb, Eds.) Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. 264, 199-204 (1992).
H.K. Moffat, K.F. Jensen, R.W. Carr, “Estimation of Arrhenius parameters for the 1,1 elimination of H2 from Si2H6 and the role of chemically activated disilane in silane pyrolysis,” J. Phys. Chem. 96(19), 7695-7703 (1992).
H.F. Moffat, K.F. Jensen and R.W. Carr, “Determination of the Arrhenius parameters for Si2H6 (reversible) SiH2 + SiH4 and DeltaH0(formation) by RRKM Analysis of forward and reverse reaction rate data,” J. Phys. Chem. 96(19), 7683-7695 (1992).
D.G. Vlachos and K.F. Jensen, “The roles of supersaturation, terrace width, and impurities on the formation of macrosteps on crystal surfaces using the terrace-ledge-kink model,” Surface Science 262(3), 359-370 (1992).
D.G. Coronell and K.F. Jensen, “Analysis of transition regime flows in low pressure CVD reactors using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 139(8), 2264-2273 (1992).
J. Han, K.F. Jensen, and J. A.T. Norman, “Laser assisted CVD of Cu from a new Cu organometallic complex,” in Photon and Low Energy Particles in Surface Processing, (C. Ashby, J.H. Brannon, S. Pang, Eds.) Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. 236, (1992).
E.O. Einset, and K.F. Jensen, “A finite element solution of three dimensional mixed convective gas flows in horizontal channels using preconditioned iterative matrix methods,” Int. J. Num. Meth. Fluids. 14(7), 817-841 (1992).
R.R. Melkote, and K.F. Jensen, “Computation of transition and molecular diffusivities in fibrous media,” AIChE J. 38(1), 56-66 (1992).
K. F. Jensen, A.V. Annapragada, K.-L.L Ho, J.-S. Huh, S. Patnaik, and S. Salim, “Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition: Examples of the influence of precursor structure on film properties,” J. de Physique IV, Coll. C2, 1, 243-252 (1991).
P.E. Price, Jr., M. Stuke, and K.F. Jensen, “Thermocapillary effects in laser direct-write metallization,” (H. Atwater, F.A. Houle, and D. Lowndes, Eds.) Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. 201, 195-500 (1991).
A.V. Annapragada, S. Salim and K.F. Jensen, “FTIR studies of organometallic surface chemistry relevant to atomic layer epitaxy,” (A. Aoyagi, P.D. Dapkus, and T.F. Kuech, Eds.) Proc. Mat. Res. Soc. 222, 81-88 (1991).
J. P. Leu and K.F. Jensen, “Fourier transform infrared studies of polyimide and poly(methylmethacrylate) surfaces during downstream microwave plasma etching,” J. Vac. Sci. Techol. 9(6), 2948-2962 (1991).
D.G. Coronell and K.F.. Jensen, “Analysis of MOCVD of GaAs on patterned substrates,” J. Crystal Growth 114(14), 581-92 (1991).
K.-L Ho, K.F. Jensen, J.-W. Hwang, J.F. Evans, and W.L. Gladfelter, “MOCVD of GaN using diethylgalliumazide and ammonia,” in Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials II, L.V. Interrante, K.F. Jensen, L.H. Dubois, and M.E. Gross, (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 204, 101-110 (1991).
K.F. Jensen, D.I. Fotiadis, T.J. Mountziaris, E.O. Einset, and T.F. Kuech, “Models of chemical kinetics and transport phenomena in chemical vapor deposition systems,” in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Process Physics and Modeling of Semiconductor Technology, G.R. Srinivasan, Ed., The Electrochemical Soc., Pennington, NJ, 91-4, pp. 142-160
W.L. Gladfelter, E. C. Phillips, J.-W. Hwang, S.A. Hanson, J.F. Evans, and K.F. Jensen, “Trimethylamine gallane as a precursor to cubic gallium nitride and gallium arsenide: Metal hydride chemical vapor deposition,” in Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials II, L.V. Interrante, K.F. Jensen, L.H. Dubois, and M.E. Gross (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 204, 83-94 (1991).
A. V. Annapragada and K. F. Jensen, “ In situ FTIR and mass spectrometric studies of gallium arsenide metalorganic chemical vapor deposition: Trimethyl gallium and tertiary-butyl arsine on GaAs (100),” in Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials II, L.V. Interrante, K.F. Jensen, L.H. Dubois, and M.E. Gross (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 204, 53-58 (1991).
E.O. Einset, K.F. Jensen, and T.F. Kuech, “Analysis of chemical factors determining compositional variations in the MOCVD growth of indium gallium arsenide,” in Chemical Perspectives of Microelectronic Materials II, L.V. Interrante, K.F. Jensen, L.H. Dubois, and M.E. Gross (Eds.), Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 204, 207-212 (1991).
T.J. Mountziaris and K.F. Jensen, “Gas phase and surface reaction mechanisms in MOCVD of GaAs with trimethylgallium and arsine,” J. Electrochem. Soc. 138(8), 2426-2439 (1991).
T.F. Kuech and K.F. Jensen, “OMVPE of Compound Semiconductors,” in Thin Film Processes-II, J. Vossen and W. Kern (Eds.), Academic Press (1991) pp. 369-442.
K.F. Jensen and W. Kern, “Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition,” in Thin Film Processes-II, J. Vossen and W. Kern (Eds.), Academic Press (1991) pp. 283-368.
S. Patnaik, K.F. Jensen, and K.P. Giapis, “MOVPE of ZnSe using organometallic allyl selenium precursors,” J. Crystal Growth 107(1-4), 390-395 (1991).
K.F. Jensen, D.I. Fotiadis, and T.J. Mountziaris, “Detailed models of the MOVPE process,” J. Crystal Growth 107(1-4), 1-11 (1991).
A.V. Annapragada, K.F. Jensen, and T.F. Kuech, “Infrared spectroscopic determination of substitutional carbon in MOVPE grown films of GaAs,” J. Crystal Growth 107(1-4), 248-253 (1991).
K.-L. Ho, K.F. Jensen, J.-W. Hwang, W.L. Gladfelter, and J.F. Evans, “MOVPE of AlN and GaN by using novel precursors,” J. Crystal Growth 107(1-4), 376-380 (1991).
K.F. Jensen. E.O. Einset, and D.I. Fotiadis, “Flow phenomena in chemical vapor deposition of thin films,” Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics 23 199-232 (1991).
H.K. Moffat, K.F. Jensen and R.W. Carr, “Estimation of the Arrhenius parameters for SiH4 (reversible) SiH2 + H2 and DeltaH0(formation) (SiH2) by a nonlinear regression analysis of the forward and reverse reaction rate data,” J. Phys. Chem. 95(1), 145-154 (1991).
K.F. Jensen, “Chemical engineering in the processing of electronic materials: a discussion,” Proc. of the MIT Centennial Symposium of Chemical Engineering, C. Colton (Ed.), Advances in Chemical Engineering (1991).
M.D. Foster and K.F. Jensen, “SAXS investigation of model carbon pore structure and its change with gasification,” Carbon 29(2), 271-282 (1991).